1062 days of chunt CHUNTFM celebration stream
welcome st0nerz w kiki and call ins
zoots & vibez engaged
sorting w/ tiger2 not live from prague
this will be a pre-rec should i add a jingle to the begining of the mix?
Trombones w/ Andehhhh
parp parp parp
Jaanipäev w/meh
Nonstop Fit - Trous first appearance
faleme loop w/ cinnaron
5am gabber (jk.... or maybe....)
chunting with mavros
it's your king servin you a cup of coffee
Ok, I am Awake w/okiamevans
!fortune first
Oscar Maldonados morning shift
Early Dealer W/ Rival Dealer
Wake Up Dealer <3
Early Dealer W/ Rival Dealer
Yung Chunny Munny w Chunny Sunny ft. Peanuts MC
!scrans only
bubbasee on the high seas
could be choppy wear a chunt jacket
Mamma mia it's a balearia ft sayanne
italian balearic vibes
DJ Dale
Nonce Material Jap Hip-Hop Special
Relaxed Fit w large trou
peak relaxation
simple features w/ dj pauly c
Turbobabe's Turbohour w/ Ginny
couple whiteclaws
HUGE DONKS w/ pixel
couple pints
Woi Workout with oscmal
Get a pump whilst u chunt!
sort ur life out NOW w kiki
fun music and life advice :--)
NRG with P-Air
uptempo shenanigans
Digital Rimming w/WoiKev
Bowel Cleansers w/ number2
Phonic for your colonic
🍍youanas sonic ananas🍍
big al's wee drums
FM drummy percussive club :3 w dodgy transitions
Joe Mason
Jonathan Heinrich Mason taking you through til Moxie on NTS
Cafe Mbient presents DJ 2856 live from Cafe Mona
If there's any WIFI, maybe yes, maybe no, don't hold your breath
8) America's most relaxed and Europe's most recent holiday guest taking you through til OK W on NTS.
baskin w/ ba
Say When w/ sayanne
djsayanne: no mic yet unfortunately
djsayanne: Should be arriving today so will have in future tho
Geoffrey B. Mason. Friday. 2 to 4. Bare emosh.
Double trouble on a friday. Ohoh.
Sat morn jash sesh w/ sean
Mic check 1 2
might also be ba w/ bbbbaaaa
who knows these days
trou doing the same thing as ba before but with a mic only
2 w/ NumberTw0
Countdown w/ 2
Avalon CafeThere's even an RA event.
Maybe: Tiger2's mid-week performance review
Get your timesheets out
Jungle spesh
Wicked Joe representing the Grimsby massif
Relaxed Fit w/ XL Trou
Large Trousers here to guide you safely from Joe Mason's Jungle into the safe haven
chuntin with mavros #2 WITH CRAIG, SARAH & DUNCAN
mavr0s welcomes all st0nerz on either PSR or ChuntFM. Who knows these days...
Salty work from homer Large Trouser's evil twin taking a) you into the weekend and b) mad requests, woi!
Pinging for a pint. It's the week-end.
New Beginnings w/ SleepParalysisDemon
Live Radio ChuntFM debut from SPD
tantric sessions w/ cinnaron
ron. all night. long.
Sat morn yawn w/ Max
2 on 1
Tune test w/ Two
largetrousers: How do we submit requests
largetrousers: Is this a request show
HOT CHUNT SUMMER w/ ginnydarke x okiamevans
Wonder if
Live & direct.
Ginny Noods
Chatroom regular Ginnydarke live on NOODS Radio.
@hanstestrel in the mix
some guy called hans carrying you through the evening on a stretcher bedded with roses and regrets.
on PSR, i think.
Post-gym carbloading & hydration. We love to see it.
Good nights w/ DJ PRANA
Lay down, we're having a dream-off.
Ok, Evans...
Rival Dealer's Summer of Love: Summer in Neotropolis 2150
Rival Dealer is on. On the other Channel 2 at big N.
woi or else :) w/ hansthreatzel
Sleeper threat-cell and all around threat-to-society hanz endangering you and your whole crew.
Oscar Maldonados live from gym
Muscle warmzin for upcoming MV duties
New Beginnings w/ SleepParalysisDemon
demon returns for another set to send you into your weekend
American Sensibilities w/ Large Trousers
We're not in Idaho anymore
Guitar Review
1st and last.
Rival Dealer
chuntil death do us part w/ bolts
more mumblin and grumblin live & direct from attic à la bolts
Hansin' around
with Hans. Duuh.
and Hans don't stop.
Snackmachine @ Netil Radio
shoooop: so 5pm here is 10pm there.
@shoooop taping
Pixeltwister w/ Pixeltwister
Let's go.
BA. ba. ba. BA
Got it? Settle in, we're babletonin'.
Scrubbing tapes w/ shoooop
Keeping it crunchy with some new cassettes and surfing through local FM bands
cod save the chunt
bolts puttin out the Friday feelers and maybe playing a banger or 2. very disrespectful if u ask me.
Relaxed fit w/ large trousers
We're back babes and im taking you to the disco
Modular synthesis? Live & direct.
new session now w/ okiamevans
lets find out if mans got his mullet cut
cinnadonks w/ cinnaron
:O it's been more than 3 days since a cinnaron show
Tokyo Lucky Hole w/ hanspretzel
Radio kiki @ Radio balamii
It's 101kiki and you're listening to Balamii.
Silky smooth: PSR @ Cashmere
The UK massive from Lithuania taking over Berlin Airwaves on Cashmere Radio.
Have You Eaten feat. Boneless Pizza @ N10.AS
the vibe will be PING PONG and the mix will be ACCEPTABLE! on https://n10.as
webDev with tiger3
One hour til Macca, yeah?
saturday sofa show w/ largetrousers
everyone's hungover but it's cozy and it's time for it's callouts
saturday commuting
test run with grapes, commuting into the second half of the weekend
loft chuntin w/ bolts
"such a stream whore again these days soz" - bolts, 2022
Angel Hrs w/ Trou @ Noods
Trou on Noods Radio
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter w/ hanspretzel
An hour-long musical evocation of the works of Carson McCullers (1917-1967), a pioneering author from Atlanta, Georgia whose haunting novels and short fiction set in the American South address issues such as gender, race and spiritual isolation.
Raummates w/ Coeln
Live from a lofty 60qm2 living room, it's Cologne's finest: Coeln
Deep time w/ shoooop
Just some freaky thumpers to round out monday ↷
djsayanne - Something about openings or beginnings maybe but not trying to step on number2's area
}200Unapologetic grooves.
have a grape chunt :)
}200Grapesy (live with call-ins (hopefully))
Mavros - Garshva - special guest (secret)
}200:) st0ners, with motlerlover4
Soft Opening w/ number2
}200Taking you in gently
Night bone w/ andehhhh
Portlands Finest w/the charchar
}200Like a smooth IPA on a sunny beach with a bunch of Apple employees.
youhana's sonic bananas🍌🍌
}200Fruit! In your ears! Penetrating!
🥵🛰😶🌫️ w/ max1 & tiger2
}200Octoberfest OMA/MAO* Dub. *Munich artists only.
ok but fr this time w/ cinnaron
}200Ron is determined to not miss this one. Yeah sure whatever.
ok i am awake, x2AWAKE w/ okiamevans
}200Awake and ready to go (pro).
Bread Gettin' w/ SleepParalysisDemon
Eat, sleep, chunt.
A wake for summer w/ osc
}200Rise nd grind baby, summer's over, osc don't care.
morning salutations w/ pipiji
}200Stand still or just don't get out of bed at all.
vibes possibly might be having this slot
}200No promise, no compromise.
Leavening w/ hans
}200The act of quietly escaping your place of employment on a regular basis.
Simple Features w/ djpaulyc
}200As simple as no show.
2 RELAXED w/ large trousers
}200time to do some relaxing!
}200In focus: Drake
FinesseTheDJ w/ Absalon
}200Live / audio stream + Live on Twitch
jimmy w/ yungdale
}200More left-field Japanese hip-hop from NZ's finest
getting dark w/ ginnydarke
}200A love letter to techno and Rod Stewart, non-tinny edition
chunty donks w/ pixel
Scrantime w/ joe k. nmasix
}200No scran.
Digital Rimming w/ WoiKev
}200Do you remember last time? Me neither.
Evening Delights w/Rival Dealer
}200Light and airy.
Bunnin' w/ BBB
Even cowgurls get the blues w KIKI
}200Dusty contemplations from the UK's fastest benchpresser.
its soup time w/ michhhhh😮💨
}200Big oouuuff.
the velvet room w/ koko
}200Neither above nor below. No floating, just being. Plush.
2' Drunk 2 Chunt'
Please someone back fill my 2-4am show on Chunt.org. Call it 2' Drunk 2 Chunt'. Description maybe: It's 2am, number2 is drunk and there is a gap in the Doobz schedule. What could possibly go right.
'bed thyme' w/ DJ PR2NA
}200Prerec, i'm not staying up this late for this absolute fest of these massive bangers putting you right where you belong, into your silly little bed. Hands above the covers, eyes wide open.
through the looping glass
}200maybe next time time time next time around we will we hear it hear it hear it it differedifferently
Raum w/ Coeln
season premiere w/ thajazzy1
}200Season pass holders beware, prerec.
Shoooop. How many 'o's?
we livee and raiding someonese elses harddrive with meh
thajazzy1: Great show name @mehlovesmusic
bbbaaaaa: So basically it’s a meh b2b slickdrilla premiere
djsayanne: mehdrilla
mehlovesmusic: slickreenn!!
mehlovesmusic: oopss
Say anne w/ sayanne
We're blasting classics.
SolincohyperG: Blue screen blue balls
So, Lin, co hyper, G?
Toasting your warmzin.
Shibuya Kei Special w/ Pixel
chilled out shibuya kei vibes :)
The Casual Show w djheatwave on nooooooooods radio
Fireside: Speciale Italiano w/ Osceria Malori
Tales al forno from the Amalfi Coast to the mountains of Sicily, just like nonna used to tell.
Snackmachine on Netil Radio w/ shoooop
Doin it liiiiiiiiiiiive
post driving test NRG w/ moe
pass or fail am on the tinnies clanging happy hardcore https://www.mixcloud.com/chuntfm/post-driving-test-nrg-w-moe/
catharsis w/ hansthreatzel
I'm back with more threats, this time cathartic and techno-related
Ginny x Trou B2B
Ginny and Large Trousers come together for a once in a lifetime B2B, live from Pirate Studios NYC
live from pres w/ willie & chunts
peckham about to be soooooo xhunted. keep your eyes on that baggie
Stuck Indoors w/ number2
The chillzone w/ sayanne
Sorting records w/ tiger2: Boomkat edition Vol. I
Peek hinside the postal box.
Pierre x Ba
NL boys come together for an epic B2B live from [redacted]
Let's discuss. On the table: a shower. Circling back: inevitable. Trombones: firmly backgrounded.
Coeln on the 1s and 2s guiding you through the construction of your orangerie
ron is live
Trou live on chunt.org
Mother, the man with the voice is on the radio again. Big Wah.
BBB covering for Trou live on chunt.org
Mother, the man with the voice is viewing an appartment. Big WahWah.
osc covering for BBB covering for Trou live on chunt.org
I don't know man, i wasn't there.
macs covering for osc covering for BBB covering for Trou live on chunt.org
Finally pressured ba into covering for the rest of us. Call that a success.
Wake up w/ pixel
Breakfast donks.
Voices Radio w/ Ailsa & Ron @ Voices Radio
Ron guesting on Ailsa's show on Voices Radio
drivin' the Möbius strip w/ grapescommute
i don't know where we're going, but i got some room in the back for another scraggler. i think there will be words.
ml4 & mavr0s @ Palanga Street Radio
This one goes out to all the st0nerz in the nation.
Orange Juice w/ shoooop
Drizzling citrus on the mixer
weekend warmzin w/ oscmal
lets get into it. friday. tunas. get yr requests in. dont you dare touch that dial
Meh live
friday feels with sayanne
ba bullied me
drunk blends w/ nr2
guess who just got back from the pub...
tunes for an autumn weekend walk (pt. 1) w/ thajazzy1
Sorry, but it's time to get the big coat out. I know, I know.
Something Something Saturday w/ sayanne
Saw jazzy is doing a show so thought I'd just hop on and continue the vib
dj adam - in the mix from pirate studios having a practice bc he is a lil bit rusty so pls go easy on him
Selling Chunt By The Pound
Saturday Night And I Like The Way You Chunt
tunes for an autumn weekend walk (pt. 2) w/ thajazzy1
We still walkin'. Nah, I dunno where we're going either.
Relaxed Fit w/ largetrousers
Join ChuntFM regular Large Trousers for an hour of weekend wind-down tunes in the latest edition of relaxed fit
Scrubbing tapes w/ shoooop
Isolation edition
on cuz f*ck it w/ numbertwo
why the hell not
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Fireside: Karaoke Classics Special w/osc & ba
On the table: bare tequila On the mic: 00-09 classics
Pensive plankton w/ 101kiki
Swirling around a bit
The Slow Bus Through Rural Lancashire w/ grapescommute
Wooo! Lucky I got a seat! I think this might empty a bit after Hest Bank. Hopefully you get one too. What's that? You've got a book of poems?
Swarper Sessions w/ moe
reeks in ere duckeh https://www.mixcloud.com/chuntfm/swarper-sessions-2-this-time-its-personal-w-moe/
Radio kiki on balamii radio
Birds b2b water b2b poems b2b bangers b2b balamii
U 'kay G? vol. II w/osc
Listen yh, uk garage, speed garage, dark garage, bassline, bassline house, you name it i'll play it, warmzing duties for Chunt for Red October, dress code: sleazy
chunt heatin w/ numbertwo
getting ready to build a chunt. one blend at a time
The Chunt for Red October: Palanga x Chuntongo x Search History
Avalon Cafe. Clear your cookies. feat. Kelman Duran.
The for red octoberLive from Avalon Cafe, London.
The for red octoberLive from Avalon Cafe, London.
The for red octoberLive from Avalon Cafe, London.
Pink Eye Club
The for red octoberLive from Avalon Cafe, London.
DJ Adam
The for red octoberLive from Avalon Cafe, London.
Super Star DJ b2b ginny darke
The for red octoberLive from Avalon Cafe, London.
Kelman Duran
The for red octoberLive from Avalon Cafe, London.
The for red octoberLive from Avalon Cafe, London.
Ryanvee on 8ball radio
Raum w/ coeln
tapes vinyl etc.
Impromptu w/ thajazzy1
Jazzy's just playing stuff on a rainy Sunday evening. Dassit.
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/sayanne
What if instead of being in London you could be on a sunny beach on a Monday evening?
Doin' it for the streak
Call me Nike Air Lite bc I'm streakin.
Chunting with mavr0s #3 and CK @ Palanga Street Radio
Mavr0s #3 and CK doing it live. On PSR.
72 Ballin w/ andehhhh
Fresh out the oven and into the sauce
impromptu chunting w/ pixel
I'm chunting are you?
Encompassing w/ hans
Quiet quitting turned loud
Swarper Sessions 2: this time it's personal w/ moe
u wot m8?
Hallowstream w/ shoooop
It's 5am somewhere
Raum Slow Tunes w/ JCoeln
tapes vinyl etc
stoopin w/ largetrousers
the fit is..........relaxed
spooky synths w/ sayanne
It's the halloween special
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Sorting records w/ tiger2: Scary warehouse finds
Episode especialé
putrid disgusting filth
Fireside: Doom & Gloom
Look deep into the fire and see what you find
Pensive plankton w/ 101kiki
Swirling around a bit
snackmachine on netil radio
New Session Now (qik) w/okiamevans
Itching the mixing scratch
movement w/thajazzy1
get down/get up/get on it/get up offa that thing
The Evening Standard
Our yearly Jazz hour with your favorite host: Ma. Xen CE.
Eleven11 #002
Online radio chatroom enjoyers get together for a second night at Low Profile Studios incl. ChuntFM hotshots.
cinnaron b2b Br'er
okiamevans b2b Ginny
Was Fret
anon with tunes
Slowed Sunday w/osc
Bun a zoot zunday
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of being in London you could be on a sunny beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
fiyahhhhside w/ al and andehhhh
Not a drill, but certainly a thrill: sticky, cheesy show descriptions & sex.
Fireside: Scandi Special
The wind blows from the north
Peak Time Techno w/number2
(2x2) to the Floor
Afternoon Noodlers w/ moe
chuggy squelchy gloopy broggy
Approximate Measures w/ Ginny on Noods
2 hours of spicy chug and new age niceties
shower time /okiamevans
steamy ambient fr
86 Tramline w/ grapescommute
god, carlton gardens look so nice in this evening sun right? i hope the ticket inspector doesn't come on board in the suburbs
Total Request Live w/Number 2
sorting records w/ bubbasee
friday friday friday friday lets get it sorted
1000 Bongos Swarm Intelligibility - CLASH001
Exploring the limits of server capacity, each on their own, all at once live on clash3. A community effort. The first instalment of the ChuntFM compression sessions in our multi-player series season 22/23.
Switched on w/ switchroom
Sorted it
Relaxed Fit w/ Large Trousers
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of being in London you could be on a sunny beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
The Monday Chunt w/ Pixel
It's Monday and i'm gonna chunt. You cant stop me :P
Casio CTK-611 w/ shoooop
This thing has a lot of sounds
soup mode w/ ba
had pumpkin
Pensive plankton w/ 101kiki
Swirling around a bit
recognising the curve from a subaru imprezza w/ grapescommute
hang on, I swear I've seen this bend in a mountain track on gran turismo 3 before
Big Al's Big Fucking Around as scheduled
Deep regrets and short cables in the staldio, get it!
Radio kiki on balamii radio
Birds b2b water b2b poems b2b bangers b2b balamii
Comfort w/largetrousers
🎂 Yungdale's polar bea- I mean birthday special 🎂
post-dale clarity w/ pix
finally..i see
cabin fever w/ alskua
Source drift w/bigbunnybrer
The butt is now functional
Wrecked Saturday w/RivalDealer26
The aftermath of last nights tequila
chuntz in the attic
bolts back with those satdee-nite flavas to satisfy all your chunty needs
Impromp2 w/thajazzy1
Another rainy Sunday evening where Jazzy just plays stuff.
Malearic Mondays
What if instead of being in London you could be on a sunny beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
ColdMaps Mastermind Show
comb thru w/ thajazzy1
can you dig it??? (no worries if not)
catharsis part deux
@hanspretzel asked: should i strem instead of do work - 8 ball says: Most likely.
Chuntsgiving w/ meh
sub the way w/ largetrousers
we in nyc baby
❄️ b2b 💔
Banging The Drums w/ Pix
Live from pres w/chuntfm
The motive: Corsica Studios The drink: Voddy Cran
Warmzin at Chunto’s Flat
live from trous pocket @ batb
saving the stream streak with a special broadcast live from hackney - 15 chunters in the building on a SUNDAY
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of being in London you could be on a sunny beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Switchr00m on aaja radio 8))))
Relaxed Fit w/ largetrousers ft. ron and pixeltwister
This is not your everyday chunt. Tune in for an exceptionally special edition of Relaxed Fit hosted by Large Trousers live from the big smoke featuring two legendary chunts: PixelTwister and Cinnaron. What more can I say?
Orange Juice w/ shoooop
It sure is Tuesday let's get sippin
Pensive plankton w/ 101kiki
Swirling around a bit
Brrrr w/ Br'er & nephlimbeebee
it's different this time g.
I think I'm here w/ clayboo
Hello, are you sure that this is your address?
Friyay!x w/ 101kiki
Cheers girlies its the freakin weekend!
Banging The Drums w/ Pixel
I'm banging those drums again. You better believe it.
soup mode w/ ba
smells fishy
ambient listening sessions w/ pipiji [on stranded.fm]
The Sunday Blend w/ Pixel
Lazy Weekend Fr
What's the Wifi?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of being in London you could be on a sunny beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
switchroom on soho radio 8)))
1 hour tom zanetti special followed by seminar on the teachings of dr zakir naik
Night in w/ Osc
Why is it so fucking cold
Bubbasee impromptu stream @ chuntFM
Snackmachine @ netilradio.com
Gather round the hearth and put on those fuzzy pajamas; Snackmachine is feeling December
Real emo hours w/ sayanne
a jazzy one w/thajazzy1
i mean... self-explanatory innit
Full time chunting w/ 101kiki
Full time employed by Chunt Ltd.
100% Original Tuna 2022 Edition w/ pxl
Bleeps and Bloops from my Macbook
losing ctrl w/ SleepParalysisDemon
it's friday my friends. time to kick back, relax, and lose control w/ your friendly neighbourhood sleep demon
Chuntongo GIF of the Year Awards 2022
The votes are in. Will brog prevail? Is chabs the champion? Did the chunts fall in love with a rotating rubber face in a plastic bag? Join Osc, BBB and other special guests (TBA) as we celebrate the highlights of this years giffing culture
BeeBeeBee saves tha streak w/ buns
It’s bladdy snowing in London
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of being in London you could be on a sunny beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Funemployment w/ Pixel
Real NEET hours.
I think I'm here w/ clayboo
Hello, are you sure that this is your address?
Night Water w/ shoooop
The dusk quench
Radio kiki on balamii radio
https://www.balamii.com/player Birds b2b water b2b poems b2b bangers
Relaxed Fit - Skate Music Special w/ largetrousers
Special edition of Relaxed Fit featuring music from skateboarding videos, hosted by largetrousers
Chunt Official TOTY
Presented by mum and dad (101kiki and chunto) Listening to the silliest and sexiest tunas from 2022 picked by the silliest and sexiest chunts around
keepin it movin w/sayanne
Baltic Afternoon w/ RivalDealer
Practice makes perfect… I guess?
Walkin' Here w/ trou & shoop
Episode 1: Searching for a slice in bed-stuy
walk on the clouds w/ yungdale
Filling you up with an ample supply for goodnight
Minna Daisuki Katamari
Rolled up some tunes from the Katamari Damacy series.
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of being in London you could be on a sunny beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Scrubbing tapes w/ shoooop
What even is this
Fireside: Christmas Special
On the table: Mulled wine, ham hock and a Craig David
the swarptapes w/ moe
hossin up the m6 shaggy
taking stock w/ jimbis
I'm spreading everything out
baba pipi
live from undisclosed location
merry swarpsmas w/ moe
woi to the world
Ron @ chuntFM
fafo w/ SleepParalysisDemon
pre-warmzin innit
cinnabuns w/ bigbunnybr'er & cinnaron
lil spicy sexy cosy warmup for christmas
Eat, Drink & Be Chunted w/ginnydarke
Ho ho hoe... There's always room at the inn in seshlehem! It's Christmas Eve - tune in for silly xmas tunes and maybe the odd phone in <3
Pre Chuntmas Stream w/ Pix
xhunted fr
relaxed christmas w/ largetrousers
largetrousers clocking in on the holiest of days to see which chunts been naughty and which have been nice
Relaxed Christmas II w/ largetrousers
definitely live now, largetrousers clocking in on the holiest of days to see which chunts been naughty and which have been nice
she just cant quit
Malearic Christmas w/sayanne (no christmas songs, but bonus aliens)
This time of year it's important to tackle the big issues, including UFO visits.
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Focus Ride
I bought a new interface and now this needs to be dealt with.
Kiki o'clock w/ 101kiki
cinnaron crunch w/ cinnaron
uh oh we gettin crunchy again
"Initially, in 2002, the service was launched only in the UK and was known as "2580", as the number was the shortcode that customers dialled from their mobile phone to get music recognized. The phone would automatically hang up after 30 seconds. A result was then sent to the user in the form of a text message containing the song title and artist name. At a later date, the service also began to add hyperlinks in the text message to allow the user to download the song online."
chuntin at the movies w/ thajazzy1
🍿 + 🥤 +🎥 + 🎶
and a squelchy new year w/ moe
Doin it 4 the streak
water in my ear w/ clayboo & tristan
Malearic Mondays w/sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
horichuntal w/ hans
testing me new decks with some post punk
Snackmachine @ netilradio.com
New year new snacks
all Hans on Decks
this is no longer a test stream
waiting under the bus shelter w/ grapescommute
SSW winds of 21mph, only getting windier. you'll struggle to light up with that, here, use mine
new year same bolts
in the loft fumblin n’ mumblin thru some Friday nite clobber
Flare on
Rival Kickoff
300In the beginning...there was chunt
leavening part deux w/hans
third trip round this god forsaken town w/ grapescommute
300what are you looking at? fuck that, listen to the frogs son
shoop to midnight
Bone Sweet Bone w/ andehhhh
300Easing in wholesomely with bone
late raum w/ JCoeln
300test one two
maybe more raum
Night Drone w/andehhhh
300Night Bone w/ andehhhh
fr this time again w/ cinnaron
okiamthriceasawake w/evans
300premium prerec
keep it 300 like the romans w/sayanne
cosy in bed w/ coffee & 101kiki
300lick it
!showmethebanana w/ginnydarke
300stick it
Ear Rubble 002 w/VibeConservationist
300wub a dub dub etc etc
early mornin bunnin w/ bbb b2b al
some tunes w/ knmx
300maybe not jungle
osc warmzin
300'sunny riddims'
yungdale b2b brog
300brogalypse now
Dune b4/3b
300hhow (geen keb4b) opslekker
London crew b2b2b2b2b2b
300tha fuckin doink | doink | doink zone
ill slide in here
300sliide.. 📦 slip.. 📦 slide 🚚
the chillout room w/ jimb
listening has never been so easy
G&T w/ numnber2
300can you change my show name to G&T w/ numnber2 on the schedule plssss -- for sure!
sculpting sonic fishe w/ youhanna
300three hunna
Malearic Mondays w/sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
catching the last troobz w/thajazzy1
Back to the Future w/ Murphy McFly & Ginny
x2 hours of cosmic and new wave on https://noodsradio.com/
Acidclash #303
Bring your best acid here.
!nightshift w/ bbaa
Balearish - sayanne guest show on noods
Talking about the history of the afro-cosmic scene in Northern Italy in the 1970s and 80s. Come chat on https://www.noodsradio.com/listen
it's friday gang with meh
Angel Hrs w/ Ginny
Gin's monthly show on https://noodsradio.com/
Sweden to Texas, aboard All Eternals Doubledecker Bus w/ grapescommute
The Mountain Goats special with grapesy. Take a sip of this, and come, come to the sunset tree.
Password: Sandwich w/ AdamWhatsTheWifi
Birdsday w/ alskua
It's my birthday, it's Sade's birthday, it's Damo Suzuki's birthday, it's Aaliyah's birthday, it's Barbara Lynn's birthday, etc. Let's get goated with the goats of the zodiac 🐐 vinyl only baybee
Malearic Mondays w/sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Orange Juice w/ shoooop
We're takin this juice to the moon
the compost pile w/ tommy compost
neo kruatrock psychedelia... neon genesis... evangelia
taking stock w/ jimbis
now with extra guitar ~ shoegaze edition
Lil smthn w kiki
impromptu dash across town w/ grapescommute
was bored so just thought i'd hop on board. howdy
Leccy blanket w/ hans
staying toasty
Flight to catch w/largetrousers
it was the eggplant
Iridescent Edge w/ Ginny & Bansuri
Not again!! Anyway, warmzing for her big Love Inn takeover this evening <3
lil smthn w/ kiki
Full of food and feeling this ukg rn
the grime show w/ man like moe
ChuntFM Residency #1 with Pixeltwister at Palanga Street Radio
Deep Learning: Enhance Memory & Concentration
Playing both sides of this brain sync tape gifted to me by jimbis
greek oil w/ clayboo & wakacreta
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Goin in blind w/ shoooop
Let's see what comes up
sondering w/ hans
noun. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own —
Relaxed Fit w/ Large Trousers
crack presents crank
soup mode w/ ba & potver3
this time it's vegan
Doncaster warehouse w/ osc
take a break w/ knmx
the break will be 160 bpm amen
Sat morn prawn w/ DJ PRANA
when shrimpy met sirby
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Shoot from the heart w/ hans
80s synth & yearn
Steamed w/ shoooop
unscheduled livestream w/ max1111
taking stock w/ jimbis
jungle and tech stompers
Fiat Panda to Castel di Sangro w/ grapescommute
Uhhhh why are you bringing all that food with no lid? Just hold it steady, we've got a few hairpins on the mountain roads...
breakfast shoooop
sing songs of praise w/ pk
On the High Seas w/ bubbasee
Streaming is contagious
Sat morn yawn
PSR Fundraiser @ PSR
Head on over to palanga.live to support the Vilnius Cannabis Social Club.
Reading the A-to-Z on a layby w/ grapescommute
Get lost, get found.
nokia vibrations w/ yungdale
playstations: 0
On the Open Range with Sheriff Chunto
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
cabin fever w/ alskua
I'm going mad in the studio
Kenwood Speaker Bangers w/ Scuzzlo
Debut Chunt FM show from South London's finest hustlers, Scuzzlo aka. SDS MAX and Dob Ravies. Deep belters fine tuned for Corsica bassbins or the subs in your cousin's Peugeot 306.
Ringtones' 'Take me back to Southport' Mix w/ produceralex
Getting in the mood early for this year's Bangface, Ringtones brings you two hours of brain twisters to disassociate in a chalet to
Snackmachine @ netilradio.com
Silly for five minutes
Everyone be silly :)
a rumblin' delight w/ clayboo & wakacreta
A posteriori w/ hans
trusting my intuition
Pre garshva warmup w/ sayanne
WOW...... GARSHVA50..... with motherlogver4 & that guy from the gif....
Sat morn yawn
Do it in the back seat
Do it with a friend
This is a throwback to when I was 18 & ridin' — BMW e46 Facelift Harman Kardon business package 5CD changer
cassette deck music
DUNE SOUNDCLASH w/ guest appearances
17 again w/ meðlæti
cardigans & skinny jeans & doc martens
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Breakfast w/ Pixel
As the title says :)
Taylor Swift Valentine's Day Special
haters gonna hate!
in you i found happy days w/ SweetParalysisDemon
💞 a valentine's day special 💞
spin cycle w/ jimbis
energy in motion w/ hans
your fortune, hanspretzel: chunt is energy in motion
permanent satisfaction w/ jimbis
a set of emotions that'll stay with you
Mother Citrus
Pour out a glass, mother citrus is in town and ready to provide a suite of vitamins.
Catch a boat out to sea w/ grapescommute
The waters are rough, but we've got a good cook and a fella who plays the guitar.
Back to work everyone.
Just strolling w/ kiki
Scrubbing tapes w/ shoooop on the roof
Cabin Fever w/ alskua
Studio jam on toast at the cabin.
Radio kiki on balamii radio
https://www.balamii.com/player Birds b2b water b2b poems b2b bangers
Unscheduled Vino w/ grapescommute
a bit of arthur, a synth, some words.
Casio CTK-611
!showmethebanana w/ DJ PYT
She's back with vengeance .... but mainly a USB of pop music.
Chunt #2 @ Palanga Street Radio
ChuntFM residency #2 with Joe Mason on Palanga Street Radio
something about a mode of transport w/ grapescommute
they simply can't stop, i've caught the bug. let's hope it's not contagious, because this is gonna be a squeeze.
Saturday Sofa Show w/ largetrousers
we're all hungover so lets kick off our shoes, turn up the radio, and relax a bit
pop life w/ adkt
all the hits and then some
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Doubled w/ shoooop
three way split w/ clayboo & wakacreta
Chunt in the morning w/ sayanne
I'm just copying hans
driving back to the spot of the crime w/ grapescommute
it's not the church of Saint Hardulph, that's for sure [The Golden Lion, 21st Feb 2023]
chunt in the afternoon w/ hans
sometimes you just gotta
longneck breakfast w/ dj horny tayyabs
ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬ ~( ˘▾˘~)
素敵なJ-POP! (。・`ω´・)ノ・*:..。o*゚。+゚GOODMORNING!。+゚
Frivolous Fridays w/ sayanne
U 'kay G? vol. III w/ osc
Wot dya call it garage? Wot dya you call it urban? Wot dya you call it 2step? Tell us what you call it
Friyay! w/ kiki
Scrubbing tapes w/ shoooop
Recent additions from artists at TP
Sunday hoopin w/ trou & shoop
"It's sunday so you know what that means that's right lace up your sneakers cuz shoop and, trou are hittin the courts and they're leaving nothing uhhh left - they're leaving no - there's no child left behind, so get ready for two hours of some, some pretty good music, because, *sniff* we're gonna play it for you. Umm, today."
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
max on cal
the winding roads of... somewhere between Heysham and Berwick... w/ grapescommute
well that map's a bit useless now ain't it?
saltfish and ackee w/ hans
Reflecting on my Dominican grandma's basement parties in London in the 70s. Lovers rock + reggae + a little bit of calypso 🌞
110 BPM Capping w/ ginny
Bare Tuna: De La Soul w/ thajazzy1
Diving into the discography of De La. Just don't call 'em hippies.
Bone, Beltram, Ben & Bolland w/ number2
BBBBangers from DJ Bone, Joey Beltram, Ben Sims and CJ Bolland
longneck breakfast II w/ dj horny tayyabs
send custom jingles to dale-nz@hotmail.com
chuntfm swiss satellite // chaudlait/tralala/knmx
303 w/ Ginny
aceed x nu beat x chuggers
Friyay!x w/101kiki
NICE STREAM w/ chaudlait/tralala/knmx
chaudlait&tralala&knmx playing some tunes live from the studio // ambient // techno/industrial // bass
Eyjafjallajökull Tourism Centre w/ grapescommute
volca keys wobbly hot pot time baby
Sat morn pawn w/ DJ YAWNA
This blend belonged to my great granduncle.
!faded w/ ba
Heatwave on noodsradio
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
I think I'm here w/ clayboo
no doorbells
Summer 2004 - Funky House Mix Screening w/ andehhhh
Just found - rare 2004 cassette tape of andehhhh shelling* funky house records. Shoutout to Tom Hamilton for loaning me his vestax 2000s for the summer while he was off backpacking round europe like a lad.
*badly mixing
TP for your Earhole w/ number2
Let's enjoy some Terrence Parker productions on this cold evening.
Getting testy w heatwave
Snackmachine @ netilradio.com
Ed Ruscha: Twentysix Gasoline Stations w/ hans
An exploration of the pioneering American artist Ed Ruscha’s work through experimental soundscapes and his own words.
Funemployment day 2 - Fatboy Slim tribute stream w/ sayanne
I only have one fatboy slim record which I'm gonna play right at the start so it's only a tribute in a vibes sense not in an actual sense.
Friyay!x w/ 101kiki
Filling the gap w/ sayanne
Bare Tuna: Falling in the nettles w/ grapescommute
God I really loved the arctic monkeys. and you know what? They still bang. Some hits, definitely some deep cuts. The antiseptic to the sore.
bio riddim w/ clayboo & wakacreta
reunited in sleep deprivation
Rainy Sunday w heatwave
🇲🇺 🇲🇺 🇲🇺 W/ grapescommute
12th March! Eat some dohlpuri!!
Malearic Mondays w/ sayanne
What if instead of in London you could be on a warm beach on a Monday evening?
Bare Tuna: Radiohead w/meh
I’m more than just a creep. I’m a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here now? I belong here.
Bare Tuna: Kraftwerk w/ JCoeln
🥧 365 days of chunt
Bare Tuna: Archie Shepp w/ number2
🥧 365 days of chuntAn hour dedicated to jazz legend and activist Archie Shepp.
Bare Tuna: Crooning w/ 101kiki
🥧 365 days of chunt
Bare Tuna : Nurse With Wound w/ Absalom
🥧 365 days of chuntDissecting Umbrellas & Bruises
Bare Tuna: Doc Snock w/ largetrousers
Bare Tuna: Delving Deep into Butthole Surfers w/ sitzpinkl3r
Bare Tuna: Stars of the Lid w/ DJ PRANA
🥧 365 days of chunt
Bare Tuna: Deerhoof w/ thajazzy1
🥧 365 days of chuntWading through the weird and wonderful world of San Francisco's most prolific/eccentric rock band
Bare Tuna: Neil Young W/ DJ Dale
🥧 365 days of chuntpack it in, buy a pick-up, take it down to L.A.
Bare Tuna: Joni w/ djheatwave
🥧 365 days of chuntJoni Mitchell is the only one who can reach my cold dead heart
Bare Tuna: Lil B w/ adamwhatsthewifi
🥧 365 days of chuntTYBG
Bare Tuna: Oxford Music Scene w/ andehhhh
🥧 365 days of chunt
Hey, did you know there were at least two other big bands from Oxford other than Radiohead?
Bare Tuna: FIFA Street (2005) w/ osc
🥧 365 days of chuntSettling down in front of the PS2 after a hard summers day of watching the World Cup, it's time to stunt on your mates with that bicycle kick gamebreaker
Bare Tuna: The Avalanches w/ SleepParalysisDemon
🥧 365 days of chuntDon't run away from yo' wife and kids like that bloke in Force Majeure, keep ya ass seated for a fine hour of The Avalanche's music. We will be exploring samples, deep cuts, and their greatest hits
Take a trip down to the flightpath estate to sample my favourite cuts from the prolific collaboration between Keith Tenniswood and the late Andrew Weatherall.
Bare Tuna: Rihanna w/ sayanne
🥧 365 days of chuntit's riri innit
Bare Tuna: Goa Trance w/ Ginny
🥧 365 days of chuntPass me the sunscreen and tape machine
Bare Tuna: Childhood Memories w/ grapescommute
🥧 365 days of chuntJump in that car you got driven round in as a kid and turn the dial to Nostalgia FM. Grapesy playing songs they remember from their childhood, with special selections from chunters' own nostalgia holes. Lines open for call ins and stories.
Bare Tuna: New Order w/ hans
focusing on their tuna from the early to mid 80s
bare tuna: vengaboys w/ ba & meðlæti
🥧 365 days of chunt